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Recent news and creative work

Australian Cloud Atlas

A new work with Dugal McKinnon, “Australian Cloud Atlas”, was on show for a year from October 2022 at the incredible projection space The Lume in Melbourne. More info…

Alight the Turning Earth

A new multi-screen work, “alight the turning Earth”, showed at the SER2023 Society for Ecological Restoration World Conference in Darwin in September 2023. It’s a beautiful work, four screens of satellite data. Read more about the project…

Smelling Rivers

The “Smelling Rivers” workshop was an art-science experience presented at the “rivus” Sydney Biennale in 2022, with my colleagues Amanda Reichelt-Brushett and Moya Costello. More info here…

Infrared Imaging:

New Zealand

I come from New Zealand - a beautiful Pacific country. I love photographing it in infrared, and here we see a series of infrared panoramas, featuring some of New Zealand’s sweeping landforms. See more here.

Before I left SCU, I did an interview with SCU Buzz, and had a great chat with River about all things art and science. It’s on Sound Cloud, check it out.

Writing With Light

A new issue of photographic journal “Writing With Light” features a story and images by me from my Invalid Data and Cirrus Series - it’s a free download, available here…

Hive - work in progress

I’m working on a new project that involves taking 3D drone scans of opal mines in outback South Australia - the project is called Hive, and it will be in development for quite awhile - but the early images are pretty cool!

Wild Media

Wild Media

My satellite data film “The Patterns of the Past, the Promise of Tomorrow” is included in Wild Media, an online exhibition curated by media artist Alinta Krauth. It’s full of incredible works, check it out…

Path 99

The Path 99 project had its most recent screening in September 2022 in the XR:WA festival in Perth, at the fantastic Scitech planetarium. Read more about the project…

Manifesto for Creative

Research Excellence - NiTRO

In 2023 in issue 1 of Creative Matters, an online journal run by the DDCA (Deans and Directors of Creative Arts ), I published a Manifesto for Creative Research Excellence, in collaboration with Tully Barnett and Craig Batty.

Infrared Imaging:

Road Trip 2020/21

In December 2020 I went on a road trip with Dea, through South Australia and on to Alice Springs, Watarrka, Uluru and home. I took my full-frame infrared camera along with a fish-eye lens to shoot hemispherical images - check it out.